Friday, February 8, 2008

Grull is cleared.

Last week the mystic knights cleared Grull! we one shot high king on a messy pull and moved on to grull which took a few tries but we got him down. I was the OT for the fight. Our main tank (jules)was another feral druid who got the pants. Jules died with grull at 5ish% and I tanked him down the rest of the way. each hurtful strike after jules went down took out another DPS. Soon we should have him on farm (I think 3 kills = farm status). Wish us luck again tonight in proving last week was not a fluke.

1 comment:

Xanathos said...

as an update we went on saturday and grull went to 1%. I noticed a few not using flasks. We didnt get him even close after that . . .